Odor Control

Odor Control

I.C.E. provides spill response, activated carbon filtration systems, and proprietary liquid/solid deodorizers to permanently eliminate mercaptan odors from gas leaks. Also offers customized training on emergency response protocols, safety gear use, deploying absorbents/neutralizers, and activating air filtration when odorized gas spills occur.

Mercaptan Odor Control

For more information & brochures – please visit our downloads section on the engineering services page.

Venturi System

I.C.E. provides customised mercaptan training & emergency spill response exercises to assist customers understand gas odorants. I.C.E. offer a range of customised training sessions, both onsite and in-house – such training sessions include both desktop and practical implementation, and can range from half day to multiple day sessions. Below is a demonstration of the I.C.E Venturi ‘vacuum’ system, designed for rapid response clean-ups of highly odorous mercaptan spills. For further information find Downloadable brochures below for Mercaptan Spill Response, Mercaptan Venturi System and available Mercaptan Odour control products.
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Vapour Hood

ICE are pleased to present the latest product designed and manufactured by ICE. The Vapour Hood system further enhances our mercaptan odour control capabilities.

The vapour hood system is the ultimate solution for mercaptan odour control when working on odorous tanks, pumps, fittings and connections in the field. Ideal for commissioning or service work to minimise odour discharge.

Please see video and contact ICE for further information or pricing.

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